ACT has developed relationships with many enterprises, and we are pleased to be able to use their products and services to enhance our clients' development programs. A few of our partners
are highlighted below.
Vantage Technologies USA employs a patented Differential Pressure Molding (DPM) process to produce large composite parts at low cost and with low energy requirements. DPM speeds the process of
moving from concept to production for compression-molding-type processes, and helps reduce capital equipment and manufacturing costs. Vantage Technologies is also a resource for
innovative prototype and production of thermoplastic and thermoset compression-molded components, as well as tooling and design solutions focused on effective and environmentally sound production
Great Lakes Composite Institute has established a technical leadership position as a supplier of composite materials and products focusing on next generation thermoplastic fiber reinforced
materials. These materials use a patented method developed by GLCI called Direct Reinforcement Fabrication Technology (DRIFT). The continuous fiber / resin process fully saturates the fiber
surface area and produces a flaw free higher strength and stiffness composite matrix which can be supplied in tape or sheet form.
Fred Deans Named SPE® Automotive Division Lifetime Achievement Award Winner for 2015 (Society of Plastics Engineers-Automotive Division release, October 2015)
Composite Rebar Strengthens Riverbed “Catfish Houses” (CompositesWorld, October 2015)
An Engineer's Life - Fred Deans (SPE Automotive Plastics News, September 2014)
An Engineer's Life - Tom Russell (SPE Automotive Plastics News, March 2013)
The Rise of Man Camps (CompositesWorld Web Article, February 2013)
Green Energy Gets Greener (Composites Technology magazine, April 2011)
Differential Pressure Molding (Composites Technology magazine, February 2011)
Allan Murray to Receive Lifetime Achievement Award from SPE® Automotive Div. (Society of Plastics Engineers-Automotive Div. release, August 2010)